Landscape and “Green” Projects

Baguio Landscaping specializes in enhancing existing landscapes and improving living environments through our diverse range of greening projects:


Planting Work:
Planting work is indispensable in greening, and it is a sophisticated work that should be managed by professionalism. After deciding the planting location, the specialist has to work on the planting schedule and tasks arrangement.

Green Roof:
Green roof installation has become a popular greening trend with numerous benefits. It improves air quality, lowers building temperatures, provides additional recreational spaces, and enhances the overall environment. Green roof can be either intensive or extensive, and factors such as structural load-bearing capacity, waterproofing conditions, plant selection, and the installation of drainage systems and protective layers must be carefully considered.

Vertical Greening
Vertical greening involves planting climbing or hanging plants on the exterior walls of buildings. It not only beautifies the surroundings but also reduces indoor temperatures, mitigates noise, and purifies the air. When considering vertical greening for a building, it's important to choose suitable vertical greening systems, plant varieties, and design based on aesthetic and functional requirements.

Soil Erosion Control Planting
The purpose of soil erosion control planting is to control soil erosion, prevent mudslides, and preserve the ecological and landscape value of slopes. For soil erosion control planting, considerations must be given to slope stability, visual aesthetics, and sustainability in terms of both appearance and ecology.

Turf sod involves covering the soil surface with dense grass, creating an instantly neat and green effect. It is commonly used in landscaping design, parks, sports fields, and for slope protection. For turf sod, factors such as the intended use of the lawn, suitable grass varieties, environmental conditions, site soil conditions, and the installation of irrigation systems should be taken into account.

Hydroseeding is a large-scale seeding technique that utilizes hydraulic spraying. It is commonly used in slope consolidation projects, golf courses, land reclamation, landfill sites, quarry sites, temporary greening for dust control, and highway landscaping. The advantages of hydroseeding include its ability to quickly cover large areas, save labor resources, and enhance efficiency. Hydroseeding is suitable for various types of plants, including flowers, grasses, shrubs, and trees.

Installation of Irrigation Systems and Flower Bed Drainage Systems
Irrigation systems provide automated or semi-automated watering for plants, effectively saving labor costs and regulating water usage for water conservation. Common methods used in automatic irrigation systems include sprinklers, drip irrigation, and micro-irrigation. Flower bed drainage systems are an essential part of landscaping projects. Especially during the rainy season, lawns or gardens without proper drainage systems can accumulate excessive rainwater, leading to oxygen deficiency and withering of plants.


Experience Professional Horticultural Maintenance with Baguio Landscaping:

  • Making assessment and giving professional advices on the whole landscaping works from experienced horticulturists and certified arborists.
  • Structural assessment conducted by an authorized person (AP) and/or a registered structural engineer (RSE).
  • Customized designs that meet practical needs and landscape requirements
  • Project management and supervision by qualified person.
  • Providing one-stop subsoil drainage and irrigation system installation service


To know more on Baguio Landscaping Services, please contact us.