Yard Wastes

Yard waste is also known as green waste or garden waste, which consists of all types of vegetation waste matters. The major sources s of yard waste are government departments and commercial establishments who conduct extensive plantings and landscaping works. The common types of green waste in Hong Kong are as below:

  • Grass clippings
  • Leaves
  • Bushes and shrubs
  • Weeds
  • Branches and twigs
  • Tree trunks
  • Festive plants
  • Potted plants
  • Cut flowers

With the support of its large  and highly efficient fleet, Baguio offers flexible and effective logistic services in collecting and delivering the yard waste to Baguio’s nursery, located at TaiPo and HKSAR Government’s Ngau Tam Mei Animal Waste Composting Plant at Yuen Long, respectively.

Natural degradation:
Yard waste can be left in situ (i.e. country parks) or Baguio owned nursery at TaiPo for natural degradation.

Organic mulching:
Bushes, shrubs, branches and twigs (i.e. Christmas trees and peach blossom trees) are shredded into suitable sizes for the production of organic mulch. The benefits of organic mulching are as below:

  • Maintain the fertility of soil
  • Avoid weed growth
  • Preserve moisture and maintains a more stable soil temperature
  • Prevent soil erosion

The collected yard waste (such as grass shavings and leaves) and, along with the horse waste collected from  Hong Kong Jockey Club, are together delivered to Environmental Protection Department’s animal waste treatment facility at Yuen Long - Ngau Tam Mei Animal Waste Composting Plant. The yard waste and animal waste are then transferred to compost by in-vessel aerobic composting technology. The compost produced can be used in agriculture and horticulture.

Recycled or reproduced wood waste and festive plants (i.e. Christmas trees and peach blossom trees) can be used as/for:

  • Replanting
  • Fuel (i.e. wood fuel pellets)
  • Fence
  • Wooden furniture
  • Wooden craft