Lawn Maintenance

Lawn, consisting of a dense network of grass roots and stolon/rhizomes, plays a vital role in enhancing the aesthetics and functionality of outdoor spaces. In Hong Kong, common turf grass varieties include Carpet grass, Couch grass, Manila grass, Perennial Ryegrass, Paspalum, and Bahiagrass. By laying sods, a lush and vibrant lawn can be quickly established, offering numerous benefits:

  • Landscaping Design: Lawns serve as an integral component of passive ornamental design, enriching the layered landscape with their natural beauty.
  • Recreation Facilities: Parks, golf courses, and athletics fields utilize lawns to create inviting environments for leisure activities and exercise.
  • Soil Protection: On slopes, vegetated lawns help retain moisture, preventing soil erosion and maintaining soil stability.

To maintain the visual appeal and visitor enjoyment, proper horticultural maintenance is essential, focusing on lawns, herbs, and shrubs. Regular grass cutting and periodic shaping of shrubs ensure a neat and well-groomed appearance.

Watering and fertilizing are critical factors for the healthy growth and development of plants.

The watering schedule and fertilizing dosage should be tailored to specific plant requirements, considering factors such as plant type and individual conditions. Occasionally, the replenishment of organic matter may be necessary to sustain soil vitality and achieve a balanced nutrient profile for optimal plant growth.

Furthermore, horticultural maintenance includes disease prevention. Regular health checks by professionals are crucial for early detection of plant diseases. Integrated pest management techniques are employed to effectively control pests if detected.

Experience Professional Horticultural Maintenance with Baguio Landscaping:

  • Expert monitoring and execution by experienced horticulturists
  • Supply of high-quality plant materials from our nurseries
  • Assessment and selection of suitable turf species and landscape materials
  • Comprehensive installation services for subsoil drainage and irrigation systems
  • Qualified arborists conducting tree risk assessments
  • Integrated pest management and pest control services for a hassle-free experience


To know more on Baguio Landscaping Services, please download our leaflet or contact us.

To view the video of Turfing Service.